save more lives, make more money

How does it work?

Prelemon Healthcare goes through several data collection and processing stages to create the simple recommendations and automated resource allocation that our customers love. Below is a quick and simplified sneak peak.

Stage 1

Security Camera Footage

Prelemon Healthcare uses Yakshof to analyze your security camera footage. That allows the system to know what patients and are doing inside the emergency room, what hiccups are slowing the process. How the human resources are being allocated, and the wait time per individual.


Stage 2

Weather Data

Weather Data is automatically collected based on your location and trusted government research centers.


Stage 3

Accident Data

Prelemon Healthcare calculates the likelihood of accidents under weighted weather, area and date data as well as on old data from an archive of scientific government resources.


Stage 4

Event Data

Prelemon Healthcare fetches events near you. Whether it is a baseball game, a concert or even a religious mess... If it affects your patient flow, it is automatically included.


Stage 5


Prelemon Healthcare combines all the data, cleans it, applies to it statistical models, machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence techniques to come up with the simple resouce allocation recommendations and patient expectancy.


Stage 6 Customer Account | Information Sample.

Hospital Monday 6th of August 2018 ER Allocation Messages

2 extra nurses needed within the 2hours

Dr. Johnson: expected to have 2 emergency operations. Prelemon recommends allocating a replacement between 2-4pm.

Expected to have 10minutes line between 11am-12pm, no extra records staff needed.

Expected Daily Accidents: 17

Expected Non Accident related cases: 60


Expected Increase in Turnover rate: 7%

Overall wait time saved: 4hours/day

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