more student success, more money

How does it work?

Prelemon Ed goes through several data collection and processing stages to achieve personalized student assistance, leading to academic success.

Stage 1

Management System Data Mining

Prelemon Ed fecthes anonymous data from your institutions management systems and adaptive learning platforms.


Stage 2

Detects Dropout Patterns

Prelemon Ed scans through thousands of data points and detects students who performed poorly or dropped out in the past.


Stage 3


Prelemon Ed creates models on the old drop out data and applies it to the current students pool. This stage sets the weight of the variables depending on your institution's specific case and starts deducing the most likely dropout causes of each individual student and of the overall student cohort.


Stage 4


Once the models are created they are tested rigorously through live data and once proven get released in a student affairs software portal. Ths system also sends alerts to the related office in order to assist the students in their challenges and eventually help them achieve success and graduate.


Stage 5 Customer Account | Information Sample.

University Weekly Alerts

Student ID: 2013001192 - 67% Dropout Chance Next Fall - Likely Reason: Mental Health Problems

[Email Sent to Mental Health Office to assist Student 2013001192]

Student ID: 20151021614 - 88% Dropout Chance Next Summer - Likely Reason: Financial Problems

[Email Sent to Financial Aid Office to assist Student 20151021614]

Student ID: 20171438719 - 73% Dropout Chance Next Spring - Likely Reason: Academic Shortcomings - Calculus and Algebra Challenges

[Email Sent to Study Group 6 to assist Student 20171438719]

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